Q … Qatar





Qatar, which occupies a peninsula jutting into the Persian Gulf, has been independent since 1971.  It is a monarchy under the rule of the Emir from the house of Thani.  It’s cuisine is strongly Arabic, with Iranian and Indian influences.


Our Qatar day was held at Kathy’s.  Only a few attended, but they enjoyed another day of delicious creations.



Marie continued her passion for soup, making creamy tomato soup.

Creamy Tomato soup







Wendy made Kousa Mahshi (stuffed zucchini).

Kousa Mahshi








Laura’s made Qatari Tabbouleh

Qatari Tabbouleh








She also made Cheese Fatayer.

Cheese Fatayer









Kathy made Al Rangina (Cinnamon Buttered Dates.). Dates are one of the major traditional foods of Qatar.

Al Rangina








She also produced Sab El-gaf’sha, which is a sweet dumpling commonly served during Ramadan.

Sab El-gaf’sha







Laura’s Cheese Fatayer was from Fa’s Kitchen

Laura’s Qatari Tabbouleh was from Cooking with Sapana

Marie’s Creamy Tomato Soup was from qatarliving.com

Kathy’s Sab El-gaf’sha was from With a Spin

Kathy’s Al Rangina was from Global Table Adventure


See our Recipes page for more recipes.

N … Netherlands

NetherlandsFlag  Netherlands


Known for its tulips and cheese, its windmills and canals, and for being flat, the Netherlands was chosen for our letter N cuisine, held at Marie’s.







Joan prepared tasty Boerenkaas Soep (Farmer’s Cheese Soup).  Traditionally the cheese for this soup is made by farmers in warmer weather, when the cows are in the fields eating fresh grass.firstSml






Julie made Veluwse Kalfsrolletje (Veluwe-style veal with chicken livers), from the forested Veluwe region of central Netherlands.

Velluwse Kalfsrolletje

Velluwse Kalfsrolletje







Jeanne’s made the classic Dutch meat dish, Slavinken – meat wrapped in bacon.








Kathy prepared Stamppot, a traditional dish of potatoes mashed with other vegetables.  In the Netherlands this is often served with smoked sausage.








Wendy made Hertzoggies – jam and coconut meringue tarts from the Boer colony, named after an Afrikaan general.










Wendy also made Speculaas, Dutch spiced biscuits, traditionally eaten around the feast of Sinterklaas (St Nicholas) in early December.











Joan’s Boerenkaas Soep is from SBS Food.

Wendy’s Hertzoggies are from The Spruce

Her Speculaas are from SBS Food

Kathy’s Stamppot was adapted from a recipe at geniuskitchen

See our Recipes page for more recipes.